The Career Changer

Fuel your Career Ambition

As your Career Coach and Talent Acquisition Expert, I provide personalised support in refining job search & networking strategies, optimising resumes, Linkedin and mastering negotiation tactics and career progression. I'll help you navigate career transitions and secure the positions and compensation you deserve. I offer expert guidance in strategic recruitment, enhancing EVP, implementing wellness initiatives and optimising talent management.

I leverage a blend of in-house recruitment & agency experience to offer comprehensive expertise in these areas.

  • Struggling to find your way forward in your current role with no clear path for advancement?

  • Tired of sending out countless job applications without receiving any interview calls?

  • Confused about how to negotiate for the salary you deserve?

  • Considering transitioning to a new industry but unsure where to start?

  • Recently made redundant and feeling overwhelmed re-entering the job market?

  • Anxious about upcoming interviews and unsure how to prepare?

  • Finding it difficult to strike a balance between work and personal life amidst professional pressures?

  • Challenged by the task of building a strong professional network to open doors for you?

  • Feeling nervous about returning to work after a leave of absence, whether it's maternity, paternity, sick leave, or a career break?


I will help you navigate your career without compromising your health and wellbeing


  • Struggling to attract top-tier talent?

  • Encountering difficulties in retaining valuable employees?

  • Concerned about the financial impact of high turnover rates and the expenses associated with new hires?

  • Seeking guidance on initiating diversity hiring initiatives?

  • Contemplating the optimal approach between remote, hybrid, or traditional work setups?

  • Considering the implementation of a comprehensive well-being program for your workforce?

  • In need of refining your Employer Value Proposition (EVP) to maintain relevance and competitiveness?

  • Observing a decline in employee engagement and motivation levels?

I will help you attract, retain and develop top talent using proven methodologies

With my tailored approach and industry expertise, together, we'll achieve your career goals and business objectives